WWE SmackDown VS Raw


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Вы здесь » WWE SmackDown VS Raw » Тексты из музыки » Undertaker


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[Taker's Voice]
Deadman Walking!!!

[Sung Lyrics]
You've Done it now!!!
You've gone and made a big mistake.
And I can't allow....You to think you can just walk away!
So turn around and face the piper you're gonna pay.
Cause the end is now!!
YES!! It's gonna your Judgement Day!!

But cheapshots, that's the way that you play the game.
I was Blindsided, things will never ever be the same.
Nice Guys, it's said they always finish last.
But Badasses, always kickin assholes' own ass!!
Let's go, kick it!!

You're Gonna Pay, You're gonna pay!!!
There's no forgiveness this time.
You're Gonna Pay, You're gonna pay!!!
It's my business you're mine.
You're Gonna Pay, You're gonna pay!!!
I'm burnin these walls to the ground.
You're Gonna Pay, You're gonna pay!!!
You're Gonna Pay, You're gonna pay!!!
You're Gonna Pay, You're gonna pay!!!
[End of Chorus]

No more chances, No more excuses, no lies.
Your story ending, time to say your good-byes.
Nice Guys, it's said they always finish last.
But Badasses, always kickin assholes' own ass!!
Let's go, kick it!!

[Repeat Chorus]

There they are. ENJOY!!



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Вы здесь » WWE SmackDown VS Raw » Тексты из музыки » Undertaker